Project partners and their role in the project
GfRS mbH, Göttingen, Germany
GfRS manages and coordinates the project and ensures the implementation of all work packages. Furthermore, the GfRS is responsible for the development of the E-learning-Platform.
AGRO BIO TEST Sp. z o. o., Warzawa, Poland
AGRO BIO TEST supports the development of the curriculum for animal welfare inspections and implements the course for animal welfare inspectors in Poland.
CCPB SRL, Bologna, Italy
CCPB is responsible for the evaluation of existing inspection concepts relevant for organic agriculture for animal welfare for different animal species in the EU member states and implements the course for animal welfare inspectors in Italy.
Georg-August-Universität Göttingen - Stiftung Öffentlichen Rechts, Göttingen, Germany
The Georg-August-Universität Göttingen is responsible for the support in the curriculum development.
Naturland e. V., Gräfelfing, Germany
Naturland is responsible for the development of a training curriculum, a subsequent training concept for organic inspectors and implements the course for animal welfare inspectors in Germany.
SOIL ASSOCIATION, Bristol, United Kingdom
SOIL ASSOCIATION is responsible for the development of a common inspection approach.